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* Prakash Sahoo
* Seema Sahoo

hot news ANNOUNCEMENT, We welcome with love Dolly's little brother Sachin

So who is this Prakash Sahoo character anyway? Well . . . I am a friendly sort of chap who likes to read, talk and to do stuff (What?). I try to be a wonderful, dedicated husband who dearly loves my wife Seema. I can't tell you how happy we are that God blessed our love... with two incredible miracles...Purva "Dolly" and Sachin
Giving our story in short, I am from India and I did my secondary school from Secondary Board High School (Cuttack) and junior two years college (10+2) from Revenshaw College (Cuttack). I have completed my Occupational Therapy degree from The institute for the physically handicapped (IPH) (New Delhi). While I am working I have done many career development courses, such as Personal Computer specialist, Desktop Publishing & Design, and Bachelor of science degree with major in Organizational management and leadership from Friends University (Kansas). Currently I am working and taking many pre-requisite courses for my future ?? Degree.
About my wife Seema, she is one of the wonderful lady in the whole World. I am pretty lucky to get hold of her.
She did her secondary school from Prabhu Dayal Public School (New Delhi) and Occupational Therapy degree from The national institute for the orthopedic handicapped (NIOH) Calcutta (West Bengal). She has completed many small career development courses while she is working as an Occupational Therapist, such as Web page design, Desktop publication, Myofacial release and Ergonomics etc. Recently she completed her Internet Specialist Diploma from Stratford Career Institute. In fact I would like to give her full credit in creating this website.

Click here to see my funny experiences in the USA .

Visiting a foreign country is quite an experience, especially when you are visiting a country that you know very little or nothing about. Working in a foreign country can be compared to relearning your own work with a different perspective. Every country has a unique way of managing its system. To a foreigner at times, something may appear totally strange, while for the local it is quite normal. Experience and knowledge does make a great difference in these types of situations.

After finishing my degree in occupational therapy, I worked about seven months for a non-profit organization in India, then got an opportunity to work in the USA for a rehabilitation company.

In 1993, I left India with little knowledge about America and having no formal experiences in life of my own. As I entered the plane after saying goodbye to my parents, things began to change. It was my first experience on a long international flight and my first experience of going somewhere all by myself at the age of twenty-two. On the plane (Delta Airlines) when the waitress brought meals for the passengers, she asked me for my choice of food. I did not understand the different names of the food items she said, so I asked her to repeat the names and finally settled on chicken, the only familiar name to me. The way the chicken was prepared was completely different than I was used to, and I missed my home already.

After reaching North Carolina (USA), I went directly from the airport to the hotel with a company representative. My real adventurous life started from that very moment. I was very tired but had to struggle for sleep, because of the twelve-hour time difference between the two countries. In other words, I was trying to sleep during what would have been daytime in India. It took me about a week to adjust my internal body system to function properly. It was quite funny for me when I found out the reason for my irregular timing (#2 nature's call).

I went through two weeks of orientation at the company's headquarters. I was amazed to find out how different things were in both countries. At first I was confused and overwhelmed by the amount of documentation (paper work). I felt that I was going to spend most of my time doing paper work, rather than actually treating the patients. During orientation I found difficulties in communicating with others. Mostly it was because of my Indian accent, so sometimes I had to write things down to express myself. To overcome this obstacle I tried to observe other people's conversation and modify my accent gradually and at the present I am still learning. For example, in India we pronounced letter "P" as "pee" but in the USA I learned to pronounce it as "phe". My first experience at my workplace, which was a nursing home, was hilarious. I was taking medical history from a ninety year old woman following her stroke, and during our conversation she mentioned that her boyfriend would be there to give more information if it was needed. From that response I come to the conclusion that she might be little confused following her stroke. I burst out laughing when I came to understand the concept of boyfriend and girlfriend in the USA.

While I was struggling with my new work environment, I consoled myself by saying that things would get better as time went on. On the contrary, things got worse when it came to my daily routine. I was unable to eat hardly any food for a couple of months because of the way it was prepared and not knowing what the food contained. For example, one day I went to a fast food restaurant and ordered a cheeseburger to avoid any possibility of eating beef. I was expecting a sandwich with cheese but after the first bite I came to know what a cheeseburger really was. I was scared when it was came to driving. It did not take me long to figure out the map reading, but it did take a quite a while to get confident about driving on the right side of the road. Making a right turn at the traffic light was the most horrifying experience for me. Another big learning experience was the self-service concept. This learning experience can be compared to a baby-asking questions about exploring the world. There is always someone in India to help with any type of consumer related service with only a few exceptions. Here I had to spend quite bit time at places such as gas station and grocery stores reading instructions before I could get any service. My first experience at a Laundromat was quite funny. I carefully followed the instruction on how to use the washer but forgot to add the detergent after soak cycle, because I was so busy reading the instructions. I had to wait for all the cycles to finish and then start over again.
Well, I think that's enough about me. I hope you have enjoyed.


Bhikari Ch. Sahoo
+ Khirodbala Sahoo
Pramod Sahoo
Jasmin Sahoo
Prabhat Sahoo
Prakash Sahoo
Chamanlal Kapoor
+ Rameshrani Kapoor
Kamal Kapoor
Seema Kapur
Vickram Kapoor
Prakash Sahoo
+ Seema Sahoo
Purva Sahoo
& ?? Sahoo

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